The Bible The original autographs of the 66 Old and New Testament books are the verbally and plenary inspired Word of God, and the final authority for faith and life.
The Nature of God Only one true, eternal and living God who is a Spirit, the creator of all things; co-existent, co-equal, and co-eternal in three distinct Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
The Lord Jesus Christ The Son of God, the Word made flesh, assuming humanity through the virgin birth, fully human and fully God, the only Savior of mankind. He lived, died on the Cross, resurrected, ascended, and will return.
The Demonic Realm The reality of the Devil and demons who oppose the work and people of God, who was defeated by Christ at Calvary and is destined for eternal torment in the Lake of Fire with those condemned with him.
Sin Man’s “original sin” nature resulting in his alienation from God and total inability to remedy his lost condition. Forgiveness is achieved through repentance and faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ.
Salvation The “new birth” regeneration is achieved through faith in Jesus Christ alone. These are the redeemed “new creatures” in Christ who were condemned, but now justified, sanctified, and destined to be glorified.
The Church The universal “Body of Christ” made up of all the supernaturally “born-again” persons throughout the “Church Age” of which Christ is Head. The 4-fold mission of the Church is to glorify God, edify believers, evangelize the lost, and enlighten the world. The 2 Ordinances of the Church are Communion and Water Baptism.
The Baptism with the Holy Spirit An empowering experience for saved individuals with tongues as the initial physical evidence, but for the purpose of enabling more effective living, witnessing and ministering.
The Gifts of the Holy Spirit The gifts of the Holy Spirit enumerated in the New Testament were intended by God to endure throughout the Church Age. The purpose of the gifts is for the exhortation, edification and comfort of the church.
Divine Healing Healing is a provision of God to the Church provided for in the Atonement. If God chooses, He may heal directly, as result of unction and prayer by church elders, or through spiritual gifts of healing.
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ & Final Events The personal premillennial Second Coming of Jesus Christ is to rapture His Church and establish His Millennial Kingdom. After the 1,000 years, Satan is loosed, but then judged forever in the Lake of Fire. Glorified believers will reign with Christ in a new heaven & earth.
The Resurrection and Eternal State Those born twice (“born-again”), die once. But those born only once (unconverted), die the “second death.” All will be bodily resurrected, some unto eternal life (in the first resurrection) and others (in the second resurrection) unto eternal death. Those who die “in Christ” are in the presence of the Lord awaiting the (first) resurrection. Those who die outside of Christ (unconverted) will face the Great White Throne judgment and the “second death” in the Lake of Fire.
II – Core Practices – Our beliefs about us and our lifestyle requirements in obedience to God’s Word:
Our Statement of Faith includes 5 additional “Core Practices” related to: Holy Living, Marriage, the Sanctity of Human Life,Missions, and Financial Stewardship.
A free brochure that expands on these is available, as well as a book at nominal cost entitled, The Foundations of Faith, by Pleasant Word Publishers.